Thursday, February 25, 2010

A few interesting links

Things have been crazy the last couple of weeks, so instead of a normal post today, I'm going to do a short little link post. Here's a few links I've found in the past couple of weeks that I've found interesting.

If you are currently training to take a MSDN Certification, you can currently get a free retake exam if you take both the first exam and the retake by June 30, 2010. You can find more about this here.

For my exam, I'm planning on just reading the Self-packed training kit, doing the exercises, and answering the sample test questions the book provides. However, I would also like to take another practice exam, so I will be using the free exams offered by Accelerated Ideas.

At my office, its the time of year for performance reviews. Like most geeks, I'd like to look nice, but I'm not quite certain how to go about it. I found this blog post on Lifehack particularly interesting. However, I don't agree with the author that non-pleated pants are more slimming then pleated pants. My worst looking pair of pants were a non-pleated pants. Most of my pants are pleated, and I don't think I look any worse for it.

There's also more information about men's fashion at this blog post on Wardrobe Oxygen, but I'm a little more skeptical of the advice presented here. I just don't think sandals are a necessary item for a men's wardrobe. I find sandals very uncomfortable, and not appropriate for the office, even one where the dress is business casual.

I came across an interesting blog post the other day regarding the writing style of popular blog posts. The author surmises that popular technical blogs are popular because they don't just share information, they also tell a story. While it would be nice to think that there are many people out there just waiting to read what we have to write, the reality of it is that they have to be drawn into your writing.

Finally, there is a new website that proves that interesting stories do indeed make for interesting reads.This site is a tutorial for the source code tool Mercurial written by Joel Spolsky. The site is very well designed and the tutorial is a fun read. Even if you aren't using Mercurial and won't be anytime soon, I'd still recommend that you read it.


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